5 key tips to start your career in Financial Services

Posted June 21 2023 By Eva Richardson
  1. Do your research

Doing research is crucial to making informed decisions and presenting the best version of yourself. You should research the Financial Services companies you are interested in working for, as it will help you understand what type of roles there are for you to get into, what the entry requirement is, and what your potential career progression could be.

You should also ensure you are up-to-date with the latest industry news and trends. Follow pages like, The Financial Times, Scottish Financial News, and Scottish Development International (SDI). It is good to build this into your daily routine, as when you come to an interview, this is what the hiring manager will be looking for.  


  1. Show your ambition and willingness to progress in your career.

Financial Services employers are always looking for ambitious, driven individuals who want to progress in their careers. If you have a good attitude, it will stand out. You can show your ambition and willingness to learn by providing examples of self-learning, demonstrating you are an active learner who can play a significant role in a hiring manager’s decision, listing your software proficiency and certifications on your LinkedIn and CV and include statistics on how you’ve used your skills to improve your previous employer’s key performers indicators (KPI’s) in your CV.


  1. Be a team player 

It doesn’t matter what position you have; there will be times when you have to be a team player and work effectively with others to get the job done and meet deadlines. When you apply for a job, an employer will look at your CV and how you answer interview questions to assess whether you’re a team player.


  1. Make sure your CV is top notch

Your CV is your first contact point with a prospective employer. It is your chance to make a good first impression. Ensure your CV showcases your experience, skills and the benefits of having you on their team. A good quality CV could be the difference between being invited to an interview or not.

Once you’re happy with your CV, you should tailor it for each role you apply for. You don’t need to re-write the whole thing each time; just add some key points about what you have achieved in your previous positions and relate it to the company. This demonstrates to the employer that you have researched the company and looked at the job description.


  1. Contact a recruiter

Having a recruiter in your corner is an excellent asset when looking for a job in the Financial Services industry. You’ll get invaluable advice, including ways to improve your CV and interview tips, career advice and how to negotiate when you get offered a position. A good recruiter will also know what entry-level positions are available and what roles suit your skill set.  

If you are interested in a career in Financial Services, we have many roles on offer across Scotland and the UK. To find out more about our current vacancies, click here to drop me an email.

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