Meet the Recruiter - James Walker

Posted July 19 2024 By James Walker

What made you want to join HRC Recruitment?

I wanted to find out what recruitment was all about … plus they offered a free gym membership!

What career path did you follow before getting into recruitment?

I have previous worked as a holiday rep and then in sales.

What was your dream job as a child? 

I wanted to be a magician.

What’s been your biggest success so far?

Buying my own house – not easy in today’s market.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Travelling to new places.

What is most important to you?


Describe yourself in three words.

Funny, enthusiastic, easy going.

Now ask the last person you messaged to describe you in three words.

Joyous, compassionate, adventurous

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

I have a NSFW tattoo on the inside of my bottom lip.


Favourite film? Primal Fear

Favourite singer / artist? Jamie T

Favourite book? The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

Favourite travel destination? Cambodia

Apple or android? Apple

TikTok or Instagram? Instagram

Tea or coffee? Neither

Early bird or night owl? Night Owl

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