Meet the Recruiter - Dylan Webster

Posted August 2 2024 By Dylan Webster

What made you want to join HRC Recruitment?

The job role itself of Candidate Manager, being able to focus on the candidate side of the recruitment process, the fresh challenge of specialising in a new area, in this case M&E and being able to join a company with a good reputation within the marketplace.

What career path did you follow before getting into recruitment?

I had a variety of different roles before recruitment but probably most consistent was as a Musician or something within the music industry.

What was your dream job as a child?

A musician or a footballer. 

What’s been your biggest success so far?

Probably having my music used by well known names in Wrestling and MMA all over the world or playing live gigs in Brazil, Italy etc.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Play music, watch football, work out, travelling and cooking.

What is most important to you?

Living in the moment and enjoying the good times as much as possible

Describe yourself in three words.

Creative, Balanced, Dependable

Now ask the last person you messaged to describe you in three words.

Level headed, intelligent and artistic

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

I once had one of my songs (which I recorded at home) used as the entrance theme for a well-known MMA fighter in his last ever fight live in the Yokohama Arena in Japan.


Favourite film? High Fidelity

Favourite singer/artist? Impossible to pick

Favourite book? Life by Keith Richards

Favourite travel destination? Brazil

Apple or android? Apple

TikTok or Instagram? Instagram

Tea or coffee? Tea

Early bird or night owl? Night Owl

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