Where To Start With A Job Search

Posted April 8 2018 By Mary Palmer


Perhaps you’ve been in your current role for a long time. Or maybe you’ve been unemployed for an equally long time. Either way, you’ve decided you would like a new job. But how do you go about it?

We’ve already spoken about the fear that often accompanies starting a new role and why people look for work in the first place. It doesn’t matter if you’re a seasoned professional or a rookie, everyone who want to embark on a job hunt tends to seek advice.

So, if you want a new job but don’t even know where to start, we’re here to offer some advice about kickstarting your search.

Get your CV up to date

It sounds obvious but many people, once they get comfortable in a job, tend to neglect their CV. It should always be up to date with the latest skills you have acquired and projects you have undertaken. Include relevant employers, dates of employment and a list of tasks that job involved. Always double check your spelling and grammar and don’t fill the pages with unnecessary content.

Make a list

What are you looking for? A 9-5 or flexitime? Day rate contract work or full-time permanent? Is there any company you desperately want to work for (or avoid)? All of this is important. Write down a list of what would really make the ideal job for you. With each role you consider, see how much of your list it ticks off. You’re never going to get an exact match, but it’s important to know what you’re aiming for and, on the flipside, what you absolutely don’t want. This is particularly useful if you’re going to meet with a recruiter.


It’s important that you get your name out there in your desired field. Find out if there are any relevant events near you and attend them. You never know what opportunities they might throw your way. Put together an online portfolio of your work and utilise social media sites such as LinkedIn to start making connections. We’ve put together a guide to creating an all-star LinkedIn profile, if you’re a bit rusty.

Use downtime effectively

This is particularly prudent if you have been made unemployed for a while. Use your spare time effectively by reading up on your market, publishing industry specific articles on LinkedIn and undertaking any courses (online or otherwise) that you feel will give you an edge. There are a lot of free learning sites that you can use. It’s important to keep up to date with any developments in your chosen sector so you can talk about them at any networking events or job interviews.

Meet with a recruiter

You can maybe accuse us of bias on this one, but we are absolutely here to help. All of our recruiters – from legal to manufacturing, from finance to HR – have excellent industry connections and know exactly what hiring managers are looking for. They will be able to guide you towards relevant roles and advise you on how best to present your CV or prepare for an interview. If you’re struggling with your job search, a recruiter can help you consider avenues of work that you may have not thought of.

If you are looking to get back in to the work force, or simply feel it’s time for a change, we’d love to help. Click here to meet our teams and take the next step in your career.


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