• A good Legal Secretary can be a fundamental part of a legal firm. Dedicated, enthusiastic and responsible, it’s the type of role that requires a truly...

    Posted October 24 2018 by Jackie MacGregor
  • Describe your job in no more than five words. Where did the time go? Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I travel all over the world on my own. ...

    Posted October 22 2018 by hradm
  • People change jobs. People become unemployed. These are two indisputable facts. (Otherwise there would be no need for recruiters!) Within the current...

    Posted October 22 2018 by Jackie MacGregor
  • How long have you been with HRC Recruitment? I have been with HRC since August. What made you want to join? Before leaving my previous role, I s...

    Posted October 15 2018 by hradm
  • Group interviews are being increasingly utilised within the Contact Centre market as a quick and easy way to interview multiple candidates at once. Ma...

    Posted September 28 2018 by Karen Keenan
  • You know the old cliché about work? There’s no such thing as a typical day? For Jessica Rowan, a Payroll Administrator for National Payroll Services a...

    Posted September 25 2018 by hradm
Page 66 of 78468 records
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