• In early 2020, almost every company worldwide had to react and shift quickly to home-based working, whether they were ready or not. Now, we have an op...

    Posted May 7 2021 by Jackie MacGregor
  • How we communicate with each other is an essential part of everyday life. We tell our partners we love them at the end of a phone call, we encourage o...

    Posted May 3 2021 by Chivonne Gray
  • As businesses across the UK tentatively begin the process of opening up again, a new reality has dawned in the life of the office worker. Unlike custo...

    Posted April 30 2021 by Jackie MacGregor
  • Leadership is clearly much more than just finance and figures – It’s about people and personality, too. So, a Chartered Accountant (and all the stereo...

    Posted April 26 2021 by Lynne Macdonald
  • It’s a very tricky time in the drinks market. Not because things have slowed down in terms of manufacturing. If anything, we’ve all been consuming mor...

    Posted April 23 2021 by Diane Smedley
  • How long have you been with HRC Recruitment? Just over one year. What made you want to join? I’ve come up against HRC Recruitment my whole caree...

    Posted April 21 2021 by mary-palmer
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