• Our Senior Consultant, Eilidh Black, sat down with our in-house Trainee Accountant, Lisa McShane to find out a bit more about what it takes to make it...

    Posted November 16 2018 by hradm
  • In today’s workforce, a ‘job for life’ is almost unheard of. It is more acceptable to have quite a few jobs listed on your CV in a short time span. Pe...

    Posted November 13 2018 by mary-palmer
  • Well done on reaching second stage interview - the final hurdle is in sight! At this stage, the competition has been narrowed and you can visualise yo...

    Posted November 12 2018 by hradm
  • At any stage in your career, starting a new job can be an unsettling – and even emotional – experience. There will be a million thoughts racing throug...

    Posted November 8 2018 by mary-palmer
  • Today marks the start of National Living Wage Week. Here at HRC Recruitment, we are proud to be living wage employers. Take a look at our infographic...

    Posted November 5 2018 by mary-palmer
  • Happy Halloween, HRC blog readers! We love spooky season – any excuse for a few extra sweets and treats in the office! In amongst the thrill of lots ...

    Posted October 31 2018 by mary-palmer
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